Last weekend, runners filled the city and participated in the New York City Marathon. As I watched from the sidelines, in amazement, I saw a diverse sea of runners, and I thought about how each person had prepared for this event. All 33,000 of them, and usually, and usually, it is 55,000 people. Some ran with grace, and others hobbled along with pulled hamstrings. But the majority of them got to the finish line. It is sort of inconceivable to think that those who plan to compete next year are beginning to train for the 2022 NYC Marathon this weekend.
The SAT and the ACT are academic marathons, and they too require training to maximize the end result. Not one runner enters the marathon without preparation, and no one should take a college entrance exam without a plan of how to succeed. Whether you want a coach or have decided to use a book to understand the test, leave time to prepare so that you run through the more than three hours of testing without feeling exhausted.
As the runners prepare for next year, they evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their performance. This is a difficult task for a runner who didn’t have a coach who observed them or if they didn’t have the ability to evaluate themselves. But without that examination, the runner will not improve. Similarly, when you take your first college entrance exam, such as the PSAT or even your first SAT, it can act as a starting point since any of these standardized tests present a unique opportunity for you to evaluate your performance according to a national norm.
If you have taken one test already and need some help evaluating the results, the EA Team can do this. Just contact Judy at [email protected], or call 845.582.0017, and we can set up an appointment.
The SAT and the ACT are academic marathons, and they too require training to maximize the end result. Not one runner enters the marathon without preparation, and no one should take a college entrance exam without a plan of how to succeed. Whether you want a coach or have decided to use a book to understand the test, leave time to prepare so that you run through the more than three hours of testing without feeling exhausted.
As the runners prepare for next year, they evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their performance. This is a difficult task for a runner who didn’t have a coach who observed them or if they didn’t have the ability to evaluate themselves. But without that examination, the runner will not improve. Similarly, when you take your first college entrance exam, such as the PSAT or even your first SAT, it can act as a starting point since any of these standardized tests present a unique opportunity for you to evaluate your performance according to a national norm.
If you have taken one test already and need some help evaluating the results, the EA Team can do this. Just contact Judy at [email protected], or call 845.582.0017, and we can set up an appointment.